News of the Ministry

New appointments


The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon held a meeting with the newly appointed government officials and officials of the General Prosecutor's Office, Security Council and Ministry of Defense as well as that of the Agency for Financial State Control and Combating Corruption.

The fifth meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission of Tajikistan and Ukraine


On March 3-4, 2020, in Kyiv the fifth meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission of Tajikistan and Ukraine on economic cooperation was held.The Tajik delegation at this meeting was headed by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mr. Tojiddin Jurazoda and the Ukrainian side by Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine – Trade Representative of Ukraine Mr. Taras Kachka.

Пресс-релиз по обеспечению потребительских рынков и стабилизации цен


Пресс-центр Министерства экономического развития и торговли в ответ на обращение граждан с уважением сообщает, что слухи о снижении производства и импорта продовольственных товаров, особенно муки, и повышении цен на них являются необоснованными.

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