News of the Ministry

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade met with the Director General of the OPEC Fund for International Development


As part of the participation of the official delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank group, which continue on May 10-13, 2023 in the city of Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) from the Republic of Tajikistan Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin met with the Director General of the OPEC Fund for International Development Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa.

Ҷаласаи 10-уми Комиссияи байниҳукуматӣ оид ба ҳамкориҳои тиҷоратию иқтисодӣ байни Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон ва Ҷумҳурии Ӯзбекистон


12 майи соли 2023 дар шаҳри Тошканд ҷаласаи 10-уми Комиссияи байниҳукуматӣ оид ба ҳамкориҳои тиҷоратию иқтисодӣ байни Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон ва Ҷумҳурии Ӯзбекистон баргузор шуд.

Meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan / Plenipotentiary Representative of the Islamic Development Bank from the Republic of Tajikistan with the Vice President of the Islamic Development Bank Group


The delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan led by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade / Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) from the Republic of Tajikistan from May 10 to 13, 2023 takes part in the annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank Group.

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