News of the Ministry

Celebrating Navruz at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade


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Today, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade held a solemn meeting dedicated to the International holiday of Navruz, in which the leadership of the ministry and employees of the central office took part.

At the beginning, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin sincerely congratulated the employees on the advent of the International Navruz holiday and recalled the words of the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon: “The essence, wisdom and nature of the Navruz holiday as a symbol of honoring a person, a symbol of the victory of heat over cold and light over darkness, the ritual of awakening nature, the revival of all things in the universe, has served our people as a factor of unity and cohesion for thousands of years.”

It was also noted that thanks to the fruitful efforts of the Leader of the Nation, the UN General Assembly resolution on “World Nowruz Day” was ratified. Such a far-sighted and reasonable initiative of the Leader of the nation at a time of clash of cultures played a valuable role in enhancing national identity and recognition of the Tajik nation in the international arena as having its own civilization.

During the solemn event, a number of employees of the central office, in a festive mood, made a speech in honor of Navruz and spring with gratitude for the atmosphere of the country's independence.

The Nowruz holiday is celebrated annually in the ministry with special pomp and splendor in accordance with the traditions of the ancestors.



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