News of the Ministry

Суханронӣ дар мубоҳисаҳои мавзӯии сатҳи баланд таҳти унвони “Амалисозии иқдомҳо дар соҳаи иқлим”



Муҳтарам ҷаноби Раис,
Хонумҳо ва ҷанобон!

Тоҷикистон, ки 93 фоизи масоҳати онро кӯҳҳо ташкил медиҳанд, бо чунин шароити мураккаби ҷуғрофӣ яке аз осебпазиртарин кишварҳои дунё дар раванди тағйирёбии иқлим ба шумор меравад.

The first meeting of the Working Group on Quality Education under the National Development Council under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan was held in Dushanbe



October 26, 2021, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and with the technical support of UNDP in Tajikistan, held the first meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group "Quality Education" of the National Development Council under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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