An event dedicated to the Day of Tajik language


On 29 of September 2016 in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of the state language. This event was attended by the management and employees of the central apparatus of the Ministry and National Center for patents and information under the MEDT. Moreover, to this event were invited guests – People's Writer of Tajikistan, Director of literature agitation center of the Writers' Union of Tajikistan Karomatulloi Mirzo, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the language and terminology under the Government of Tajikistan S. Matrobiyon and chief specialist of the terminology regulation Unit S. Farhodova.

National Workshop of the WTO


On 27 and 28 of September 2016the representatives of the World Trade Organization (WTO) conducted a workshopon the principles of transparency and their implementationin theWTO Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary MeasuresTechnical barriers to tradein the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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