News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan with the delegation of the export-import bank "Eximbank" of the People's Republic of China


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On May 21, 2024, was a meeting held between the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Nuriddinzoda Akhliddin Nuriddin and the delegation of the Exim Bank Export-Import Bank of the People's Republic of China, during which priority investment projects were discussed, as well as key areas of trade and economic cooperation between the countries.


Nuriddinzoda A.N. noted that the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, under the wise and far-sighted policy of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, attaches great importance to the development of trade and economic cooperation with the People's Republic of China.

 In this regard, it was emphasized with satisfaction that trade and economic cooperation between the countries is developing from year to year. Thus, China is the second trading partner of the Republic of Tajikistan and has a significant share of investments in sectors of the national economy. In 2023, the volume of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan with the People's Republic of China amounted to $1.5 billion, which is 24.2% more than in 2022.

 At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their readiness to expand mutually beneficial cooperation.




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