News of the Ministry

Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan at the Economic Forum of the United Nations Special Program for the Economiesof Central Asia in 2018


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September 20, 2018 in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Economic Forum of the UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) was held, in which the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by ZavkizodaZavki Amin, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade took part.

This Economic Forum discussed issues related to the achievement of the sustainable development goals of the SPECA member countries in the field of regional economic cooperation, the integration of trade, transport, the environment, water and energy resources.

It should be noted that ZavkizodaZavki Amin, speaking at this forum, as the head of the SPECA Working Group, noted the achievements and current opportunities for external economic cooperation between the SPECA member countries, and also offered to consider further economic cooperation in the field of trade facilitation, sustainable trade principles and also eliminating non-tariff barriers to trade.


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