Встреча с руководителями и активистами Федерации независимых профессиональных союзов Республики Таджикистан



24 октября в «Кохи Борбад» Основатель мира и национального единства — Лидер нации, Президент Республики Таджикистан уважаемый Эмомали Рахмон провел встречу с руководителями и активистами Федерации независимых профессиональных союзов республики.

Issues on trade development and economic cooperation of Tajikistan with the countries of Central Asia and the USA were discussed in Washington D. C.


On October 21-22, 2019 in WashingtonD. C., USA,session of the Council on Trade andInvestment FrameworkAgreement (TIFA) andmeeting with the US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and American investors with participation of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by the First Deputy Ministerof Economic Development and Trade ZavqizodaZavqi Aminwere held.

Meeting with a group of participants of the "Ancient Culture Studies: the Past and the Present" International Symposium


On the sideline of the "Ancient Culture Studies: the Past and the Present" International Symposium, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon met with the representatives of foreign scientific community and creative intelligentsia. The meeting took place in the National Library of Tajikistan in Dushanbe.

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