At the meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, the allocation of more than 450 million dollars to priority sectors of the country's economy was discussed


On May 12, 2023, the official delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan, headed by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, met with the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, Dr. Muhammad Suleiman al-Jasser in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan took part in the official opening ceremony of the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank Group


On May 12, 2023, the official delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan, led by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) from the Republic of Tajikistan, Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, took part in the official opening ceremony of the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank group on the topic “Cooperation to prevent crises” in the city of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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