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Greetings message of the President of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation His Excellency Emomali Rahmon on the occasion of New Year 2021


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Dear compatriots!

In a few moments, we are entering the New Year. I sincerely congratulate all the glorious people of the country and our compatriots living abroad on this occasion and wish every citizen of Tajikistan health, peace, prosperity and success.

 The year 2020, which is coming to a close, will go down in history as the most difficult year.

In particular, the rapid spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in all countries of the world has killed more than 1.6 million people and caused serious damage to the world economy.

At the ongoing year, despite the negative impact of external factors, in particular the pandemic, which led to a significant slowdown in global economic growth, including in Tajikistan, the timely measures taken by the government have ensured sustainable growth. Progress and modernization continued in the life of society and in various sectors of the economy.

Therefore, despite many challenges, 2020 will go down in the recent history of our country as a period of dedicated work and unprecedented expansion of beautification and creative work of our beloved homeland.

With the support of the glorious people of the country and the initiatives of generous entrepreneurs, many creative initiatives and plans have been implemented.

In 2020, the government provided all available opportunities and resources to create favorable conditions for a decent life.

A series of measures have been implemented in order to solve social problems in science and education, culture and health care, for assisting the vulnerable strata of the population, to educate adolescents and young people in the spirit of patriotism and a strong sense of national identity, as well as for the creation of new jobs for our compatriots.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize one important issue. Although the coronavirus infection in our country is almost extinct, we must continue to be vigilant and not be complacent. We must follow the advice of doctors and to observe the rules of personal and public health, because, the incidence of this infection in some countries is increasing again.

Dear compatriots!

The holding of two very important political events this year in a free, democratic and transparent environment – Parliamentary and Presidential elections in Tajikistan is clear evidence of peace, political stability and expansion of the political and legal culture of the citizens of our country and in general, it was a great achievement of the political system of independent Tajikistan.

The celebration of the 5500th anniversary of ancient Sarazm and the 700th anniversary of the great son of our ancient nation - Kamoli Khujandi, which were marked by the decision of the UNESCO, will be an important achievement of our people in honoring the values of ancient history and culture of our people in 2020.

The organization of a number of public events, including Furughi Subhi Donoi Kitob Ast and Tojikiston Vatani Azizi Man (Tajikistan - My Dear Homeland) with the active and wide participation of different segments of society were good and memorable events in 2020.

The purpose of these initiatives was to raise the level of literacy of the public, and to instill a high sense of patriotism, national identity, and respect for the ancient language, history and culture of the Tajiks.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate all the participants, and especially the victors of these competitions. I believe that they will continue to be active and proactive in all spheres of scientific and cultural life of the country.

It is necessary to continue these events and competitions in 2021 and in the coming years with high responsibility, better preparation, and with the involvement of as many participants as possible.

In the coming year, we will celebrate the great and sacred holiday for every individual of the country, - the 30th anniversary of independence and freedom of our beloved country, and I believe that our honorable, creative and prosperous people will welcome this historic date of our state with worthy achievements.

According to the analysis of experts from leading international organizations, including the United Nations, 2021 will be one of the most difficult years in the last 100 years in terms of food security on a global scale.

More than 270 million people in dozens of countries around the world suffer from hunger and poverty because of severe economic and financial crisis, declining agricultural production, unprecedented rise in unemployment, food shortages and increase in food prices.

Therefore, from now on, we must intensify comprehensive preparations for spring sowing, pay special attention to the rational use of every inch of arable land, including household and presidential lands, and in this way ensure the country's food security.

It is worth noting that today we are seeing the effect of the appeal of the head of state to increase the areas devoted to cultivating potatoes, cereals and expand replanting.

Given the above-mentioned food problems, we must continue to do this in 2021. We work even harder to avoid shortages and rising commodity prices on consumer markets, so that the people of Tajikistan do not suffer from shortages.

It is also necessary for every family to take the issue of efficient energy use, and observance of obligatory requirements of regulation of traditions very seriously.

In such circumstances, every patriotic and honorable person should make every effort to prevent the consequences of the global economic and financial crisis, to ensure sustainable development of our independent Tajikistan and to raise our prestige in the international arena.

In particular, every honorable person and all the people of the country should contribute to the beautification and landscaping, for preparation of the sacred national holiday - the 30th anniversary of state independence.

The prosperous people of Tajikistan always have a positive and creative vision for the future, and I can confidently say that together we will work faithfully and conscientiously to make our beloved homeland more prosperous and beautiful and to take steady steps to improve the living standards, to ensure happy life and for the conquest of even higher peaks.

I am confident that in the New Year, despite the negative impact of external factors, together with all the honorable people of Tajikistan, we will make every effort for the prosperity of our beloved homeland, further improving the living standards of our people and the progress and development of our independent state.

I hope that the New Year, will become a year of our sacred and great national holiday, will be a period of unprecedented efforts and dedicated work, strengthening the achievements of our proud and honorable people, strengthening the foundations of national statehood and unity and stability of society.

Once again, I sincerely congratulate all the proud and strong residents of the country and our compatriots living abroad with the New Year, and wish each person a happy life, good luck, prosperity and a prosperous future for our beloved Tajikistan.

Happy New Year, dear compatriots!

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