News of the Ministry

Participation and speech at the 2nd Baku Forum on Sustainable Development


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To present ways of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, the Green Economy Development Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan, attracting foreign investment and innovative financing, especially green investments, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Salehzoda A. A. took part and made a speech at the 2nd th Baku Forum on Sustainable Development in the Azerbaijani city of Boku on November 15-16, 2023.

It was noted that in order to fulfill the instructions and instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, the foundation of the country’s strategic planning is being strengthened in the Republic of Tajikistan, strategic documents are being developed and implemented in this direction in accordance with the UN agenda for 2030 . Tajikistan has chosen the direction of developing a “green” economy and has great potential in this direction. In this regard, international and regional organizations were invited to cooperate and mobilize capital in the implementation of the Green Economy Development Strategy.

Simultaneously, as part of this event, several meetings were held with representatives of the public and private sectors. In particular, we talked with the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sahib Mammadov, about the progress in the implementation of bilateral documents and ways to expand cooperation in the field of trade, transport, oil refining, investment and other areas.




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