News of the Ministry

Opening of a residential building for social workers and civil servants in the city of Guliston


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On November 15, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, commissioned a residential building for social workers and civil servants in the city of Guliston.

The residential building consists of two floors and has 14 apartments with all the necessary amenities.

President Emomali Rahmon handed over the keys of the residential apartments to the families of social workers and civil servants, and congratulated them on this occasion.

This facility was built in the city of Guliston on the basis of the instructions of the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon within the framework of constructive measures to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Republic of Tajikistan's independence in a short period of time.

The building has 1- and 2-room apartments, and the construction work was completed with high quality with the involvement of 20 local builders. The customer of the facility is the Executive body of state authority of the city of Guliston.

In the new building, 6 people from the field of education, 4 doctors, 2 civil servants, an employee of the field of culture and an employee of the law enforcement agency, who needed an apartment, were provided with housing.

The rooms of the building are equipped with all necessary living conditions. The exterior and interior of the building are decorated with national architectural art.

President, while familiarizing himself with the living conditions for social workers and civil servants in the facility, guided them to direct skills and professionalism towards protecting the achievements of the time of independence and educating teenagers and young people in the spirit of patriotism and self-awareness.







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