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The Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan chaired the 18th meeting of the UN Special Program for the Economy of Central Asia (SPECA) Working Group on Trade


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On November 20, 2023, the 18th meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Trade was held in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, with the participation of deputy ministers and representatives of Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of prestigious international organizations, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Nuriddinzoda Ahliddin Nuriddin.

Nuriddinzoda A. N. opened the meeting and, as Chairman of the said Working Group, provided detailed information on the activities carried out within the framework of SPECA, including issues related to strengthening cooperation between SPECA member countries, the SPECA Trade Facilitation Strategy, expansion and further implementation of goals for sustainable development of trade in the region, research and recommendations regarding non-tariff barriers.

It was noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon, identified the strengthening of export potential, diversification of exports and simplification of trade procedures as priority directions of the economic policy of the Government of the country in the field of trade, resulting in the direction of simplification of trade procedures in the Republic Tajikistan has carried out a number of significant works.

In particular, the Coordination Committee for Facilitation of Trade Procedures has been created, the Trade Portal of Tajikistan and the “Single Window for Export, Import and Transit Transactions in the Republic of Tajikistan” system are officially used, and a number of strategic documents related to trade have been adopted, which supports at the required level implementation of SPECA strategic goals and strengthening regional trade integration.

The Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade emphasized that trade cooperation with SPECA member countries is developing step by step, including the foreign trade turnover between Tajikistan and the countries of the SPECA region in the nine months of this year amounted to 26%.

At the same time, during the meeting, experts from international organizations presented their views on the topics discussed at the event and the development of regional relations.

It should be noted that Tajikistan leads the SPECA Working Group on Trade, and its meetings are held annually as part of SPECA events in one of the countries in the region.

At the end of the event, Chairman of the Working Group Nuriddinzoda A.N. presented specific recommendations to strengthen further cooperation in the field of trade between interested countries.









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