News of the Ministry

Meeting with leaders and activists of Sughd Province


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On November 15, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, held in the city of Guliston a working meeting with the leaders and activists of Sughd Province.

During the meeting, the results of the activity of the important economic sectors of the region in the nine months of 2023, the implementation of the instructions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan,state programs, strategic goals of the country and the progress of construction and improvement works in honor of the national holiday - the 35th anniversary of state independence were analyzed and discussed, and the tasks for the next period were defined and specified.

The Head of State Emomali Rahmon concluded his next working visit to a number of cities and districts of the region and discussed the socio-economic development indicators of Sughd Province and the rapidly changing and complex situation of the international community.

It was emphasized that the state of the modern world urges each of us to work harder than ever and to use all resources and opportunities to prevent the negative impact of external factors on the national economy.

Heads of ministries and agencies, executive bodies of state authority of regions and cities and districts, including Sughd Province and its cities and districts, were instructed to ensure the abundance of the domestic consumer market with basic necessities, to organize its sufficient stock and to take regular action to prevent price increases.

Establishing a regular and stable activity in the national economy, expanding construction and improvement works, creating new jobs, attracting domestic and foreign capital, effective use of existing sources and additional sources of development were considered among the important issues that should be given priority.

Leaders and officials of ministries and agencies, including the executive bodies of state authority of Sughd Province and its cities and districts, were tasked by the President of the country in order to fulfill the prospects of the main macroeconomic indicators, to collect the remaining harvest without fail, to fully prepare the economic and social spheres of cities and districts for regular and effective operation during autumn and winter of 2023-2024 and implementation of regional and local development programs.

Increasing the area of modern greenhouses and cold storages, organizing agricultural products packaging enterprises, and establishing logistics centers were assessed as additional measures to achieve the goals of agricultural development.

For the implementation of state investment projects, the leadership of the executive authorities of the Sughd Province and its cities and districts were tasked to strengthen the work of presenting the investment opportunities of the cities and districts of the region, supporting the initiatives of entrepreneurs and investors, and thus attracting as much foreign direct investment as possible.

Rapid industrialization of the country is one of the main and strategic goals of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The leaders of the executive bodies of state authority of Sughd Province and its cities and districts were instructed to further expand their activities on the creation of new production enterprises, including workshops and enterprises for the processing of raw materials and the production of final products, in order to implement the fourth goal.

It was emphasized that organizing tourist infrastructure, improving the quality of services and attracting as many domestic and foreign tourists as possible requires the primary attention of the leaders of the region, cities and districts and officials of the sector.

In the working meeting, the heads of the law enforcement bodies together with the local executive bodies of state power received specific instructions to eliminate the mentioned shortcomings, to ensure the legal order and rule of law.

At the end of the meeting, the Head of State confidently expressed that the patriotic, honorable and determined people of Sughd Province would continue to protect the historical achievements of our people and safeguard the interests of our ancient nation with a high sense of nationalism and self-awareness, and make our beloved homeland more prosperous and advanced.

After the speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, the chairman of Sughd Province, Rajabboy Ahmadzoda, and the leaders of the cities and districts of the region, reported to the Leader of the Nation on the state of affairs in the sectors of the national economy of the region.










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