News of the Ministry

The European Union has expressed its readiness to invest in the development of economic and transport corridors of Tajikistan and Central Asia in general


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On November 28, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium, at the meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the Advisor to the Director General for International Cooperation of the European Union Commission, Henrik Hololey, special attention was paid to the development of economic and transport corridors of Tajikistan and Central Asia and regional integration in general.

At the meeting, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade presented detailed information on the achievements of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of economy and trade, the development of multilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and the European Union and called on the EU to finance the development of priority sectors of the Republic of Tajikistan, including economic and transport corridors, energy, especially construction Roghun hydroelectric power station, green economy, digitalization, construction of logistics and transport corridors and roads to access seaports.

In turn, Henrik Hololei noted that the Central Asian region is important for the European Union’s Global Gateway initiative in order to connect the Central Asian region with Europe and is ready to finance the development of economic and transport corridors of Tajikistan and Central Asia.

It was also noted that the first Investment Forum of Central Asia and the European Union will take place at the end of January 2024, which will provide ample opportunities to better attract the attention of European investors to the Central Asian region, Tajikistan was called upon to take an active part in it and present its enormous opportunities to European investors.





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