News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Republican Headquarters on preparing the city of Dushanbe for the autumn-winter period 2023-2024.


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On December 12, 2023, a meeting of the Republican Headquarters was held to implement the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 28, 2023 No. 125 “On the timely preparation of the economic and social spheres of the Republic for systematic and effective activities in the autumn-winter period 2023-2024” in which it was considered preparing the economy and social spheres of the city of Dushanbe for the autumn-winter period of 2023-2024.

The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Usmonzoda Usmonali Yunusali and was also attended by representatives of line ministries and departments - members of the Republican Headquarters and the leadership of local executive authorities of the city of Dushanbe and its districts.

In order to implement the above decision, relevant internal decisions were approved in all relevant structures of the republic, including ministries and departments, executive bodies of state power of the regions, the city of Dushanbe, cities and districts of republican subordination, operational headquarters were created and a plan of relevant activities was approved.

At the same time, in order to study the actual state of implementation of this decision, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, a working group was created from representatives of the relevant line ministries and departments, a working trip was made to the city of Dushanbe, in the course of implementing the above resolution and preparing the socio-economic spheres of the republic for uninterrupted and efficient activities in the autumn-winter period of 2023-2024, including in institutions of education, culture, transport, industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, consumer management, electrical networks were studied, as well as discussions and relevant reports were presented to the government of the republic.

During the meeting, reports were presented by the responsible persons of the executive body of state power of the city of Dushanbe and its districts; during the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan spoke about the existing shortcomings and problems in each of the districts of the city of Dushanbe in connection with the financing of the purchase and storage of flammable materials , food supplies and anti-slip, preparation of energy facilities and other issues.

At the same time, at the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister of the country gave specific instructions for the timely completion of the connection of administrative and residential buildings in the districts of the city of Dushanbe and obtaining the required heat standards for the electrical and heating networks of the city of Dushanbe.

Following the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister of the country gave specific instructions to the relevant ministries and departments and executive authorities of the city of Dushanbe and its districts regarding the timely preparation of socio-economic spheres for uninterrupted and effective activities in the autumn-winter period of 2023-2024.


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