News of the Ministry

In the city of Beijing, People's Republic of China, a meeting was held between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Deputy Minister of Trade of the People's Republic of China/Curator for Trade Negotiations


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On May 8, 2024, a meeting was held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, and the Deputy Minister of Trade of the People's Republic of China/Curator for Trade Negotiations, Lin Zi.

It was noted that under the wise leadership of the leaders of both countries - the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, the respected Xi Jinping - bilateral cooperation between the two countries has reached a qualitatively new level.

Zavqizoda Z. A. expressed gratitude to the Chinese side for financial support and investments in the country's priority projects, emphasizing the important role of the People's Republic of China in the development of sectors of the national economy.

Within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission of Tajikistan and China, the parties agreed to implement the necessary measures to fulfill the instructions of the leaders of both countries.


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