News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the Director of the Silk Road Foundation of the People's Republic of China


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On May 29, 2024, Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin met with Director of the Silk Road Foundation of the People's Republic of China Cai Xiutjun, during which issues of expanding cooperation in the fields of economic development, trade, industry, transport and agriculture were discussed.


Zavqizoda Z. A. noted that thanks to the wise policy and the supreme political will of the leaders of both countries, the Founder of Peace and national unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, the respected Xi Jinping, the strategic cooperation of our countries has reached a qualitatively new level.

Since China is the second largest trading partner of the Republic of Tajikistan, it also has a significant share in the investment sectors of the national economy. In 2023, the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Tajikistan with the People's Republic of China amounted to $1.5 billion, an increase of 24.2 percent compared to 2022.

During the meeting, Zavqizoda Z. A. presented the investment opportunities of the republic, in connection with the allocation of 26 billion yuan, aimed at financing the Central Asian countries of the People's Republic of China for the projects "Modernization of the Tajik Aluminum Plant (TALCO)", "Construction of a solar power plant in the Asht district", "Creation of a textile enterprise in the city of Dushanbe on the basis of Tajik Textile Production Association LLC, "Creation of a logistics center in the Dangara district", "Construction of a joint industrial and technological park", "Construction of greenhouses in the Khatlon region" and "Alignment of the Guliston-Kulyab and Rushan-Varshez highways", which was previously sent to the Chinese side in coordination with the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to consider the proposal, which was accepted positively.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their readiness to expand mutually beneficial cooperation.



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