News of the Ministry

A meeting of the GIZ Steering Project “Trade Facilitation in Central Asia” was held


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On July 16, 2024, a meeting of the GIZ Steering Project “Simplification of Trade Procedures in Central Asia” was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan – Nuriddinzoda Ahliddin Nuriddin, with the participation of the head of GIZ regional projects, Ms. Judit Blank, as well as representatives of the country’s public sector.

It was noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, in his annual Address to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, stated that in the near future, state policy in the areas of trade and services should be carried out in three directions - stimulating exports, ensuring diversification of export-oriented production and simplification of trade procedures.

  Therefore, one of the factors that directly contributes to the implementation of these goals is strengthening cooperation with international organizations, sharing best practices in this area and strengthening ties within regional projects.

  Nuriddinzoda A. N. noted that on June 5, 2024, an Agreement on Facilitation of Trade Procedures was signed between the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan and the German Agency for International Cooperation. It should be noted that this Agreement is of regional importance, its total amount is 6.5 million euros and includes 5 countries of Central Asia.

  Also, Nuriddinzoda A. N. expressed gratitude to the GIZ representatives for mutually beneficial cooperation and noted that undoubtedly holding this meeting and other regional events within the framework of the GIZ project “Simplification of trade procedures in Central Asia” contribute to the implementation of measures to simplify trade procedures by reducing time and costs subjects of foreign economic activity and strengthening regional cooperation.

  During the meeting, issues of cooperation within the framework of the GIZ project “Trade Facilitation in Central Asia” in 2023 were discussed, including a study of the time of release of goods for export and import, analysis of business processes and an action plan until the end of 2024.

  During the meeting, an open dialogue took place between representatives of government agencies on issues that directly contribute to the implementation of strategic documents and the sustainable economic development of the country.

  At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their readiness to strengthen effective cooperation within the framework of the project and the implementation of the issues discussed.





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