News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Minister of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Expanding Bilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation


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On September 12, 2024, in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on the sidelines of the 23rd meeting of ministers of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), responsible for economic and foreign trade activities, a meeting took place between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, and the Minister of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Jam Kamal Khan.

It was noted that thanks to the wise and far-sighted policies of the leaders of both countries, the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, and the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, His Excellency Shahbaz Sharif, bilateral relations have steadily advanced.

In particular, the annual trade turnover between Tajikistan and Pakistan increased to 53 million dollars, representing a 62% growth.

Zavqizoda Z. A. invited his counterpart to promote the attraction of investments from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan into priority sectors of Tajikistan’s national economy, particularly in the construction and renovation of power plants for the production of green energy, as well as the establishment of joint industrial enterprises, including those in textile production.

Additionally, the parties discussed issues related to expanding bilateral trade, increasing export goods, enhancing cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, transport, and logistics, as well as exploring the use of Pakistan’s transit routes and ports and increasing sugar imports.

At the end of the meeting, both sides expressed their readiness to further expand bilateral trade, economic and investment cooperation.









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