News of the Ministry

Working visit to Panj district


On July 27, 2019, the Minister of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan made a working trip to the Panj district of Khatlon region in order to implement the instructions of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated may 22, 2018, №AP-1059.

Board meeting of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan



Today, at the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of Minister Mr. Nematullo Hikmatullohzoda and with the participation of aide to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on economic issues Mr. Solehzoda Ashurboy, Deputy Ministers, heads of departments, management of subordinate institutions and of employees of Central office held a meeting of the Board of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan on the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan and activities of the Ministry of economic development and trade for the first half of 2019 and objectives by the end of this year.

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