News of the Ministry

Nematullo Hikmatullozoda meets with Ms. Pratibha Mehta


On 6 December 2016 in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Minister was held a meeting between the Minister, Nematullo Hikmatullozoda and the United Nations Resident Coordinator/ Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Tajikistan, Ms. Pratibha Mehta.

Meeting with the UNDP experts


On 5 December 2016 in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade were presented the results of analysis of the compliance of the strategic documents of the Republic of Tajikistan at the national and sectoral levels to Sustainable development goals, carried out in cooperation with experts from the United Nations Development Programme.

The Fifth Conference on interregional cooperation


On 1 December 2016 in Dushanbe was held the Fifth Conference on interregional cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. The conference was attended by a wide range of representatives from relevant ministries, agencies and the private sector.

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