Поздравительное послание по случаю наступления священного месяца Рамазан



Уважаемые соотечественники!

Завтра начинается благословенный месяц Рамазан, каждый день которого является для мусульман школой воздержания, самопознания, гуманности, благородства, доброты и щедрости.

Conducting a Training Seminar on Religion and Regulation of Holidays and Rituals at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade



On February 24, 2025, a training seminar on the implementation of policies related to religion and the regulation of holidays and rituals in the country was held at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The seminar was initiated by the Public Commission for the Regulation of Holidays and Rituals of the ministry, with participation from the ministry's leadership, representatives of the Committee on Religion, Regulation of Traditions and Holidays under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, and staff from the ministry's central office.