News of the Ministry

The State Program on Export Development of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2021-2025


On July 2, 2021, a round table was held, headed by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdurahmonzoda Abdurahmon Safarali, dedicated to the presentation of the State Program on Export Development of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025, which was attended by representatives of ministries and departments and development partners of the country.

Opening the event Abdurahmanzoda A. S. noted that the State Program for the Development of Exports to the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025 was developed within the framework of the goals and priorities defined by the Founder of Peace and National Unity- Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, and the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030, taking into account the analysis and experience of the implementation of the Export Development Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2015 and the State Program for Export and Import Promotion of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016-2020.

The implementation of this program contributes to the expansion of foreign trade turnover, the development of exports, the strengthening of export-oriented and import-substituting industries, the diversification of exports of goods, the simplification of trade procedures, the development of electronic commerce, the improvement of the investment climate, as well as the creation of a partnership climate and cooperation between the state and the private sector, the creation of modern logistics centers, the development of international communication, transport and economic corridors.

Abdurahmonzoda A. S. stated that the program would run for five years until 2025 and consists of two main phases. The first two years are the stage of establishing a comprehensive system of export support, taking into account the best practices of foreign countries, aimed at promoting export activities and diversifying exports of goods and markets, as well as facilitating trade procedures. (until the end of 2022) and the stage of effective functioning of national export support system and new financial mechanisms and non-financial measures to support and promote non-food exports based on rapidly developing transport and logistics infrastructure.

The round table was addressed by representatives of development partners, including Christophoros Politis, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tajikistan, and stressed the importance of the objectives and priorities set out in the strategy document, and expressed their readiness to participate in its effective implementation, that is, in the provision of technical assistance.