News of the Ministry

Completion of the meeting of the Working Group on the presentation and consideration of the forecast of the main indicators of the socio-economic development of cities and regions of the republic in 2024 and its main parameters for 2025-2026 at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade


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On March 28, 2023, in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated September 30, 2022 No. 72-f, the presentation of the forecast of indicators of socio-economic development of Khatlon region, Dushanbe city and Shahrinav district in 2024 and its main parameters for 2025-2026 was held at the Ministry years.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Vosidiyon Farhod Sadullo noted that the purpose of this meeting is to ensure the high-quality implementation of the instructions and instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his excellency Emomali Rahmon in the direction of the socio-economic development of the regions, the effective use of existing opportunities and resources, commissioning of new capacities and ensuring macroeconomic stability in the country as a whole.

On the part of Vosidiyon F. S. the representatives of the mentioned regions were recommended, when developing the forecast for 2024 and its main parameters for 2025-2026, to give priority to the implementation of the instructions and instructions of the esteemed Leader of the Nation, set out during his trips to the regions of the republic, as well as the provisions the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030, the Medium-Term Development Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025, the State Export Development Program for 2021-2025, the State Export Development Program for 2025, programs for the socio-economic development of cities, regions and others industry and regional programs.

During the meeting, the Deputy Chairman of the city of Dushanbe-Abdurakhmonzoda A.S., the First Deputy Chairman of the Shahrinav region-Anvarzoda O. and the Head of the sector of economic development and trade of the Khatlon region-Valiyev Kh. presented a forecast of the main indicators of socio-economic development for 2024 and its main parameters for 2025-2026.

After the presentation, the presented indicators were considered and, following the results of the meeting, appropriate decisions were made.

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