News of the Ministry

Participation and speech of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan at the Economic Forum of the UN Special Program for the Economy of Central Asia (SPECA)


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On November 21, 2023, the SPECA Economic Forum was held in the city of Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, on the topic “Transforming the SPECA region into a center of interaction with global coverage,” in which the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Nuriddinzoda Ahliddin Nuriddin took part and spoke.

Nuriddinzoda A. N. noted that the Republic of Tajikistan, under the wise and far-sighted policy of the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, attaches great importance to strengthening economic cooperation within the framework of SPECA and in times of global crises, the countries of the region need to continue close interaction of the international community.

It is worth noting that today the share of SPECA member countries in the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Tajikistan is about 26 percent of its total volume.

The importance of expanding interaction between SPECA member countries in the direction of digitalization, green economy and trade facilitation was noted.

It must be emphasized that a number of significant measures have been taken in these areas in the Republic of Tajikistan, in particular, the Concept and Program for the Development of the Digital Economy, as well as the Strategy for the Development of the Green Economy in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2023-2037, have been adopted.







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