News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project on Improving the Welfare of the Border Population of Tajikistan and Afghanistan (LITACA)


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On November 24, 2023, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan hosted a regular meeting of the steering committee of the project “Improving the level of well-being of the border population of Tajikistan and Afghanistan.”

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Nasriddinzoda Rukhshona Hikmatullo, she also assessed the role of the project “Improving the level of well-being of the border population of Tajikistan and Afghanistan” in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of border areas, the expansion of trade between the bordering population and, in general, the economic development of the regions of both countries

At the same time, a report on the results achieved within the LITACA project in 2023 and its action plan for 2024 was presented at the meeting. It was noted that as part of the implementation of this project, the potential of local government officials, farmers, entrepreneurs, including women and youth, has increased, and the trade opportunities of the border population and their access to products from the countries of Tajikistan and Afghanistan have improved.

Confidence was expressed that the members of the steering committee of the project “Improving the level of well-being of the border population of Tajikistan and Afghanistan” will further strengthen cooperation within the framework of this project to improve the level of well-being of the border population.


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