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At a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission of Tajikistan and China, a protocol was signed in order to increase investment and create industrial enterprises


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On May 8, 2024, in the city of Beijing of the People's Republic of China, under the co-chairing of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin and the Deputy Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of China/curator for trade negotiations Lin Zi, the 13th meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission of Tajikistan and China on Trade and Economic Cooperation was held cooperation, as a result of which the protocol was signed.

Zavqizoda Z.A. noted that thanks to the wise policies and high political will of the leaders of both countries - the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, the respected Xi Jinping, the strategic partnership between our countries has reached a qualitatively new level.

Since China is the second trading partner of the Republic of Tajikistan and has a significant share of investments in sectors of the national economy. In 2023, the volume of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan with the People's Republic of China amounted to $1.5 billion, which is 24.2% more than in 2022.

The parties agreed to take the necessary measures to fulfill the instructions of the leaders of both states.

In particular, the approval of relevant agreements on cooperation in the field of investment, e-commerce, new energy and minerals.

In order to expand trade, economic, investment and industrial cooperation, the Parties agreed to implement priority investment projects, including green energy projects, modernization of the Tajik Aluminum company, construction of a logistics center in the Dangara area, 3 overpasses and 1 bridge in the city of Dushanbe and reconstruction of the highway Varshez - Kulma.

The official delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan consists of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Z.A., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the People's Republic of China Saidzoda Z.O., Deputy Head of the City of Dushanbe Abdurahmonzoda A.S., Deputy Ministers of Finance, Transport, Energy and water resources Kurboniyon S., Safarzoda M., Saidmurodzoda Sh. and head of the department of economic cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Dilshod Sharifi.






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