News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the delegation of the State Corporation Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co. Ltd of the People's Republic of China


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On May 21, 2024, a meeting was held between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin and the delegation of the State Corporation “China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co.” Ltd" of the People's Republic of China consisting of the Chairman of China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group - Li Mao, Deputy General Director of China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group - Xiao Zhenning, Deputy General Director of Pingmei Longji New Energy Technology Co. Ltd - Li Xin, Chairman of Pingmei Longji New Energy Technology Co. Ltd - Gao Zhixian, Deputy Chief Engineer of China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group - Cheng Wei, Director of Capital Operations Department of China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group - Cheng Jingwei and Manager of Xiangshan Mine Pingmei Co. Ltd - Li Wanli.

Zavqizoda Z. A. noted that thanks to the wise policy and supreme political will of the leaders of both countries, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, respected Xi Jinping, the strategic cooperation of our countries has reached a qualitatively new level .

During the meeting, Zavqizoda Z. A. presented the investment opportunities of the republic, priority areas and areas for attracting foreign investment, including in the country's free economic zones and the provision of tax and administrative benefits for the creation of industrial enterprises and called on the China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co. Ltd" to invest in coal and gas mining, the production of solar panels, the construction of metallurgical enterprises and thermal power plants in the city of Dushanbe, a textile complex to launch a full cycle of processing cotton fiber to final products, pharmaceutical enterprises and the implementation of other priority investment projects in the country.

It should be noted that this corporation is already working on the construction of solar power plants in the Pyanj and Dangara free economic zones with a capacity of 1000 MW (with an investment of $400 million) and a project for the extraction and processing of coal from the Shurob deposit with an annual production capacity 1 million tons of coal with subsequent processing into chemical products (with an investment of 60 million dollars) began its activities.

At the same time, as part of this meeting, an agreement was signed between Talant LLC and the State Corporation China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co., Ltd. of the People's Republic of China on establishing investment cooperation to launch mining activities at the Shurob coal deposit.

For reference: Chinese state corporation Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co., Ltd. is one of the largest groups of enterprises for the extraction and processing of thermal and coking coal based on "green" technologies in the People's Republic of China and the production of chemical products, including sodium saccharin, high-strength graphite electrodes and fine powder of silicon carbide, nylon and engineering plastics, industrial yarn and knife fabric. The corporation's coal processing capacity is 70 million tons, its industrial output is 200 billion yuan, its total assets are more than 240 billion yuan, and its net profit is 3 billion yuan per year, ranking first in terms of production and sales of chemical products in China. People's Republic and the Asian region, the Corporation is among the 50 largest green industrial giants and the 500 largest philanthropic companies in the People's Republic of China.











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