News of the Ministry

Visit of the President of the Islamic Development Bank to the Dangara district


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On June 12, 2024, the President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jasser, as part of a meeting with the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, visited the Dangara district, during which he was accompanied by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade/Plenipotentiary representative of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) from the Republic of Tajikistan Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin.

During the visit, the President of the IDB first visited the Palace of Culture and the Museum of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, and noted that the photographs and memories of his youth in the museum really testify to the creativity and prosperity of the Leader of the Nation to this day.

Then, having visited the new building of the District Health Center and the state of implementation of the Dangara Valley irrigation project, he was pleased to note that the IDB has contributed to the implementation of the social policy of the Government of the country and ensuring food security in Tajikistan.

Also during the visit, the IDB President visited an exhibition of folk crafts, agricultural products and purebred Tajik sheep.

The President of the IDB, after visiting the Dangara district, expressed his positive impression of the hospitality of the region’s residents and noted that the region has the best opportunities for development in all directions.

It should be noted that on June 11, 2024, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, met with the President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jasser.








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