News of the Ministry

Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Republic of Tajikistan with residence in Uzbekistan


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On July 18, 2024, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Nuriddinzoda Ahliddin Nuriddin met with the Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Republic of Tajikistan from his residence in Uzbekistan, Dr. Muhammad Munir-ul-Islam.

At the beginning of the meeting, Nuriddinzoda Ahliddin Nuriddin noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, pays special attention to the expansion and development of cooperation with the countries of South Asia, including Bangladesh.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on current cooperation and opportunities for developing further cooperation.

It was noted that currently the existing potential of the two countries in the trade and economic direction is not being used properly; there is a possibility of increasing bilateral trade turnover.

The parties also discussed important issues facing the trade and economic system of both countries, in particular, increasing trade turnover between the Republic of Tajikistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh, the creation of joint ventures in free economic zones, the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of e-commerce, digital economy and other important issues trade, economic and investment cooperation.

At the same time, a number of proposals were put forward to expand cooperation, including the creation of favorable conditions for searching for markets, the creation of joint ventures for textile processing, pharmaceutical enterprises and other priority areas.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their readiness to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and implement the assigned tasks.







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