News of the Ministry

The sides of Tajikistan and the United States in Washington expressed their readiness to expand trade and economic cooperation, investment and green energy, as well as to prevent the consequences of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.


On July 1, 2021, Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, together with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economy and Trade Matt Murray, headed the economic and energy part of the regular political consultations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the United States in Washington, discussed the issues of full use of the opportunities of bilateral trade and investment, regional integration, prevention of climate change and the environment, as well as the COVID-19 coronavirus and health protection.

Маҷлиси Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон


30 июн таҳти раёсати Асосгузори сулҳу ваҳдати миллӣ - Пешвои миллат, Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Раиси Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон маҷлиси Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон баргузор гардид.

Встреча с Председателем Вулуси Джирга Национального совета Исламской Республики Афганистан Мир Рахмоном Рахмони


30 июня во Дворце нации Основатель мира и национального единства — Лидер нации, Президент Республики Таджикистан уважаемый Эмомали Рахмон принял Председателя Вулуси Джирга Национального совета Исламской Республики Афганистан Мир Рахмона Рахмони.

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